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  • New Research reveals families could be spending up to £972 per degree of heat when booking their summer holidays to Florida and up to £96 for every additional degree of heat in Spain
  • Four in 10 who are planning a holiday this year intend to go ‘out of season’ in a bid to cut down on costs
  • Travel to destinations outside of peak weather times can save families on average £231 for each degree lower, meaning families can spend more on activities, entertainment or eating out whilst abroad
  • Post Office launches a new quiz to help families plan their ideal holiday, based on their weather preferences and budget

The price of a family holiday increases by up to £96 for every additional degree of heat in Spain, a study has found. Researchers have calculated how much the price of different holiday destinations rise as the weather warms up in peak season to help families keep costs down.

Looking at the cost of flights from London and accommodation in Benidorm, Spain, for two adults and two teenagers, a week-long trip for four in May when the temperature is 22 degrees will set you back £803 per family for seven days. But this rises to £1,570 in August when the mercury hits 30 degrees - £96 for each extra degree.

Families who opt to travel to their favourite destination outside of peak weather window could be saving an average of £231 for each degree lower in temperature to spend on other aspects of the trip, such as activities with the kids, meals out or shopping.

This doesn’t mean compromising on sun. While a week-long holiday for a family of four in Florida costs £2,100 in May when the thermometer typically reads 29 degrees. But this nearly doubles to £4,043 in August when average temperatures are just two degrees higher at 31 – an additional £972 per degree.

The research was commissioned by Post Office, which also found trips to Cyprus set a family of four back £737 for a milder 24 degrees in May. This ramps up to £1,272, or £89 per degree, for a week in 30 degree heat in July.

Greece is among the more reasonable options, with a family paying around £1,793 for 28 degrees in August, but costs just £1,285 in May at 23 degrees.

It comes after research of 2,000 travellers found four in 10 who are planning a holiday this year intend to go ‘out of season’. Overall cost savings (58 per cent), fewer tourists (51 per cent) and a quieter journey to and from their destination (37 per cent) were among the reasons why. One in ten (11 per cent) have saved over £400 by travelling outside peak season.

It also emerged 42 per cent appreciate the ease of traveling outside of peak times, while 51 per cent relish in peace from a lack of tourists.

Laura Plunkett, Head of Post Office Travel which commissioned the research to mark the launch of its Travel Money Card across all 11,500 branches nationwide, said: “It’s evident from our research that holidaymakers feel warm weather is an important part of the holiday experience, and so are the memories we make while away. It can be increasingly difficult to budget for yearly holidays, especially for those travelling with children who are restricted to peak holiday prices due to the school holidays. However, there are savvy ways to save money on holiday.

“Our research has shown that families can still enjoy hot holidays at a better price point by considering October half term for travel. In fact, a holiday to Cyprus is £321 cheaper in October than August, and still a balmy 25 degrees. Families considering Florida could also save £406 in October, when it is 29 degrees - just two degrees cooler than August.”

Another popular way 77 per cent of travellers have cut back on costs is to fly mid-week, avoiding peak weekend prices.

The study also found 87 per cent of travellers prefer to spend their trips abroad in warmer climates. As many as 85 per cent have either been away already or plan to this year, with Spain (31 per cent), Italy (15 per cent), France (14 per cent) and Greece (14 per cent) among the most popular destinations.

September (18 per cent) is the month adults are more likely to vacation, although August still proves popular for 14 per cent despite being the peak of the summer break.

However, holiday costs could be limiting family travel for many as nearly half (44 per cent) of families feel priced out of travelling during school breaks, with 44 per cent wanting more affordable travel options.

The research, conducted via OnePoll, found the typical adult who travels abroad will budget around £773 for a week-long trip to a country with a typical temperature of 25 degrees.

Laura Plunkett added:People put a lot of time and effort into making sure they get a great deal on their flights and accommodation, and booking out of season can be a smart way to maximise your holiday experience within your budget.

“However, timely booking is just one way that holidaymakers can save money. It’s important to think carefully about how to get the most out of your spending money as well, which can often be left until the last minute, leaving you exposed to poor rates or unexpected card fees. Keeping an eye on exchange rates and getting your travel money or a pre-paid card when rates are good is another way to maximise the holiday budget.”

Additional cost per degree hotter, per location, for a family of two adults and two children aged 13. Figures include accommodation of the average cost of a 3 and 4 star hotel for seven days, flying Saturday to Saturday:

  1. Florida - £972 per degree
  2. Cyprus - £89 per degree
  3. Albania (Vlorë) - £138 per degree
  4. Turkey (Marmaris) - £133 per degree
  5. Dubai (United Arab Emirates) - £117 per degree
  6. Spain (Benidorm) - £96 per degree
  7. Greece (Crete) - £102 per degree

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